
Nicholas Li

Nicholas Li

student with the ability to realmjump-- to traverse between realms, at the cost of not having the slightest ability to use will to manipulate things. was injured because of overuse of a SEN-issue time dilator. now attempting to make their own time dilator



librarian at SEN's magnolia outpost library, specifically the soulangea annex. one of the strongest generalists in SEN. high capacity for will and very solid at schema based construction. has a handful of students

Amanda Li

Amanda Li

Nicholas' older sister. never became a student of SEN-- they couldn't reach her. incredibly strong, with a seemingly boundless capacity for will, even if she uses it in questionable ways.

Amanda Li

Lars Rasmussen

Acting head librarian of SEN's Magnolia Outpost Library, and a researcher in native sentient presences as well.

Goro Majima

Goro Majima

After losing his eye and the trust of his sworn brother in a botched assassination, Majima clawed his way out of debt and through the ranks of the Yakuza to become Captain of the Shimano Family, where his ferocity and unpredictability in battle earned him the title "The Mad Dog of Shimano". He's now the patriarch of the Majima Family, a direct subsidiary of the Tojo Clan.